We Are - Industry Focused - Retail, apparel, footwear, and accessories - our industry is unique, and it requires solutions that are tailored to it. Every member of our team has spent more than a decade inside of the companies that are leading the industry forward, learning from their successes and challenges and applying those learnings to all of our projects. We walk in the door knowing what levers can be pulled to drive value, what good looks like and how to be on the path for sustainable success - dramatically reducing the time it takes our clients to see tangible return.PD Experts - Our clients' success depends on their product, and their product development approach is fundamental to that success. Lead times, quality & consistency, sustainability, cost of goods and delivery performance are at stake, and true expertise is required to drive positive change without interrupting the regular seasonal flow. We are product development experts and our deep knowledge of every aspect of the process is central to our approach.Data Driven - Data and analytics are under-leveraged in this space and our mission is to change that. We complement our qualitative and opinion based analyses with benchmarks, KPIs and analytics to both identify areas of opportunity and measure the effectiveness of solutions. We leave the key and relevant measures with our clients so they can continue to monitor their progress and make adjustments as the data suggests.Unrivaled in Delivery - It can be stated simply - our projects work. We deliver on time and on budget, and we deliver the results that we promise. Our approaches have been honed over the years, and we improve them in every single project. We understand the business and we also understand how different cultures work and what it will take to implement, and then sustain change. Every client is referenceable, and we are proud of the work we have done at each of them.