Business Software Development and Support at Saybolt International - Vlaardingen, South Holl, US
Saybolt, an independent cargo survey company, is active on Commodity markets all over the world.Our primary focus is on crude oil, petroleum products, and petrochemicals inspection and testing. From the very early days of the petroleum industry, we have developed into a multidisciplinary service provider. We began offering our services in 1898, providing swift, accurate and reliable data. Independence and Integrity are also today the unshakable cornerstones of our operations. We have offices and laboratories strategically located throughout the world. Since 1997 we have been an official division of the Core Laboratories group (NYSE CLB). Our customers include major oil companies, chemical industries, trading houses, and insurance companies. We also specialize in representing governmental institutions and international organizations, such as the European Union and the United Nations and their specialized agencies and programs. These days Saybolt expands the high standards set while continuously adding various online services, apps, data and very useful business intelligence for our customers. You can contact us anytime and anywhere: International Desk Rotterdam - Customer Care & Support+31 10 International Desk USA (Western Hemisphere)+1 713 328 International Desk Russia+7 495 660 International Desk Far East+65 6775