MCA是一家欧洲工程技术公司,为其人才和大客户提供大规模、高技术项目支持。凭借30年的经验和1500名员工,我们被定位为所有工业和创新领域的关键参与者。多年来,我们的活力和不断增长使我们能够在法国以及国际上开展活动:比利时、德国、荷兰、瑞典、意大利和西班牙。这一广泛的地理位置为我们的顾问提供了巨大的机会,我们的客户更接近和更精确的领域专业知识。自2019年以来,MCA一直在进行多元化经营,以便为客户提供尽可能高质量的服务。我们的定位使我们能够陪伴您:1/增强产品解决方案:开发受控和连接系统。2/增强型工厂解决方案:开发智能化、互联化的生产和工业化系统。3/增强型数据解决方案:通过开发信息系统和安全智能数据收集和分析实现转型。访问我们的网站:www.mca-groupe.com__________________________________________________________________________________MCA, a global engineering and technology company, supports its talents and key account clients on large-scale, highly technical projects. With 30 years of experience and 1500 employees, we are positioned as a key player in all industrial and innovation sectors. Our dynamism and constant growth have enabled us to develop our activities over the years in France but also internationally: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy and Spain. This broad geographical presence offers our consultants great opportunities and our clients greater proximity and more precise field expertise. Since 2019, MCA has been diversifying in order to offer the best possible quality of service to its clients. Our positioning allows us to accompany you on : 1/ Augmented Product Solution : Development of controlled and connected systems.2/ Augmented Factory Solution : Development of intelligent and connected production and industrialization systems.3/ Augmented Data Solution : Transformation through the development of information systems and secure intelligent data collection and analysis.Visit our website: