What we do:The Cannabis Conservancy provides Sustainability Certification to legal Cannabis producers. We have developed, Cannabis-specific Sustainability Standards that are based on the 7 Domains of Sustainable Cannabis Production - Policy and Implementation, Land and Infrastructure, Cultivation, Harvesting and Processing, Energy, Water and Waste. We guide growers towards compliance with our Standards and provide support in achieving Certification, sustainability and resiliency in the marketplace. Our mission is to empower and assure that the regulated Cannabis industry achieves environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Currently working in the U.S. and Canada, our goal is to make the Cannabis industry the most sustainable industry on the planet.We are available for speaking engagements and provide both interactive workshops and workshops via online platforms. Connecting Consumers and Cultivators:The MYGrow™ Quick Response (QR) Code system connects consumers directly to producers. The individualized QR codes are incorporated into the label on packages. Consumers scan the code and they are brought directly to the grower's webpage on TCC's website. This platform enables consumers to learn about their grower and their products. It gives growers the opportunity to tell their story directly to consumers. This builds brand loyalty, trust and increases the value of TCC Certified products. By offering a direct consumer link to growers, TCC affords the marketplace a transparent model for traceability and quality that no other standard or certification body currently offers. #ChooseTCC #mygrow