SAA Cedisus EB-5 Projects offers a path to U.S. citizenship for High Net Worth accredited applicants through the EB-5 Program. Go to to learn more. EB-5 was created to make visas available to foreign investors who invest $1,000,000 or $500,000 (if project is located within a Targeted Employment Area - TEA), and in a U.S. business that creates 10 full time jobs per investor. SAA Cedisus EB-5 Projects in collaboration with EB-5 Deals has a database of more than 140 EB-5 projects. Investor suitability review will determine which projects are made available for selection. Choosing a project and making the requisite investment are two of the key elements in fulfilling the EB-5 visa application requirements. Founder Jerry Clark is a licensed financial professional and is a registered Private Placement Representative of SDDco-Brokerage Advisors, LLC. Member: FINRA/SIPC. Check the background of your broker, SDDco Brokerage Advisors, LLC, or its representatives at