Since 1989, the team at Foster Group has been committed to helping you feel Truly Cared For®. Spanning our ownership over 3 generations of employees to help ensure relationship continuity is just the start. Being an SEC-regulated fiduciary and our belief in fee-only compensation structures with our clients also ensures that we put your best interests first.We believe in clients having full-access to the collective abilities of all our team members, rather than being served by just a single advisor. And, perhaps most importantly, we are committed to going beyond the portfolio, to understand the hearts and purposes of our clients.We display our values-driven approach not just in what we say, but in how we serve our clients, our communities, and our fellow team members. By advancing our advice with science and getting the right people in the right positions, we are in constant pursuit of an uncommon client experience.We offer clients a full complement of financial services, including investment management for individuals and institutions, qualified retirement plan consulting and design, and advanced financial planning services.We invite you to enter into a conversation, into our world of expertise, and into a long-lasting relationship in which we do everything within our power to live up to our promises.PLEASE NOTE LIMITATIONS: Please see Important Information & Advertising Disclosure Information and the limitations of any ranking/recognitions, at A copy of our current written disclosure statement as set forth on Part 2A of Form ADV is available at