Jesper Bertelsen

CEO and Co-Founder at FACEOFF - N/A, N/A, DK

Jesper Bertelsen's Colleagues at FACEOFF
Jesper Bertelsen's Contact Details
Svendborg, South Denmark, Denmark
Jesper Bertelsen's Company Details
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N/A, N/A, DK • 5 - 9 Employees

🔥 Vision 🔥We strive to be the cutting edge of action sport events and to create the best environment for gymnastics, urban movement and youth culture.🔥 Mission 🔥 We want to promote and inspire an active lifestyle without limitations. We want to take the lead and show creativity and innovation in gymnastics and its move forms. It's our goal to strengthen the community in the sport and inspire others to be active, creative and innovative, and develop gymnastics to new heights. We dream of creating a community for both experienced and entry level participants.FACEOFF is a new and rapidly growing event within the art of movement. Containing elements of gymnastics, tricking, breakdance and parkour, we entertain and astonish the audience in Forum Horsens and, through live streaming, the rest of the world. FACEOFF unites the best athletes in the sports in a unique competition, constantly pushing the boundaries of what the human body can accomplish.Through six unique disciplines the talented athletes, combined with heavy rhythms and fire shows, create an unpredictable show that captivates and inspires the audience. The rules are easy and straight forward, and in their simplicity motivate the athletes to think creatively, push boundaries and perform to the best of their abilities. FACEOFF, in other words, is the necessary face-lift gymnastics has been craving, to reach unseen heights. The simplicity of the rules makes the show attractive and entertaining to everyone - regardless of their age.The competition, the setup, the rules and the atmosphere is designed to promote and bolster the athletes' individual competencies and extraordinary performances. Unlike traditional competitions, where errors are punished, we applaud the effort.The athletes are judged by their ability to captivate and confound both the audience and the judges, through their creativity, attitude, skill, showmanship and personality.

Details about FACEOFF
Frequently Asked Questions about Jesper Bertelsen
Jesper Bertelsen currently works for FACEOFF.
Jesper Bertelsen's role at FACEOFF is CEO and Co-Founder.
Jesper Bertelsen's email address is *** To view Jesper Bertelsen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jesper Bertelsen works in the Entertainment/Media industry.
Jesper Bertelsen's colleagues at FACEOFF are Thomas K., Mathias Bertelsen, Henrik Moum and others.
Jesper Bertelsen's phone number is N/A
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