Jesper Holmqvist

Social Media Planner at Tre Kronor Media - Stockholm, Sweden, Sw

Jesper Holmqvist's Contact Details
Tre Kronor Media
Jesper Holmqvist's Company Details
Tre Kronor Media logo, Tre Kronor Media contact details

Tre Kronor Media

Stockholm, Sweden, Sw • 50 - 99 Employees

Tre Kronor Media was founded in 2007. It was a new kind of agency with 100% focus on the clients' business. Our focus has always been on the marketing results, clients' return on investment and the effect of the campaigns. Through knowledge, creativity and technology we create effective results regardless of channel. We have been awarded Media Agency of the year in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 2016 och 2017. Tre Kronor Media have unique specialist competence in all new digital media as well as ultimate experience in all traditional media. We believe in long and strong relationships and see ourselves as a personal business partner, not a consultant. Tre Kronor Media have a Nordic as well as a global offering; we are part of Local Planet, a global independent media agency network that is represented in 51 markets across the world.

Details about Tre Kronor Media
Frequently Asked Questions about Jesper Holmqvist
Jesper Holmqvist currently works for Tre Kronor Media.
Jesper Holmqvist's role at Tre Kronor Media is Social Media Planner.
Jesper Holmqvist's email address is *** To view Jesper Holmqvist's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jesper Holmqvist works in the Marketing And Advertising industry.
Jesper Holmqvist's colleagues at Tre Kronor Media are Henrik Bahr, Sofie Jakobsson, Sofie Johansson, Ashik Mandal, Henrik Bahr, Camilla Blomberg and others.
Jesper Holmqvist's phone number is N/A
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