Founder & Director of Educational Initiatives at Durga Tree International - Ramsey, NJ, US
OUR MISSIONTo reduce the exploitation of people around the world by empowering those at risk, and reducing demand through education & conscious consumerism. Durga Tree International is committed to creating a global community working together to eradicate Modern Slavery.HOW WE DO WHAT WE DOIn the spirit of collaboration, qualified partner organizations and their programs are vetted based on the Durga Tree International mission. Our organization supports their individual and collective strengths through fundraising, community outreach and education. Through our educational initiative, local US communities are educated about the many facets of Modern Slavery including their personal relationship to Human Trafficking. This forum allows us to further empower survivors by creating global de- mand for the fair trade goods they produce and sell by educating consumers.OUR PROMISE• Transparency of donation allocation• Proper vetting of programs and projects supported by Durga Tree International• Consistent updates on fund allocation and the effectiveness of projects/pro-grams• Community and collaboration among our donors, partner organizations and am-bassadors• Updated educational materials based on most current dataOUR PHILOSOPHYWe believe it is the basic human right of every individual to have personal freedom, no matter their socio economic status, race, gender or religion. As a project driven NgO, our core value is to create sustainable long-term programming. Only through collaboration and unity will we, together, end human slavery in the 21st. century.