Brightlighter Engineering was founded by Jesse Donovan and Charlie Keener in March 2018 with one simple goal: provide a better client experience and change the perspective of an engineering consultant from a commodity to an asset. Throughout the industry the story has been the same – over promise, under deliver, overwork, and underwhelm. It is all too common for firms to under-bid projects with the anticipation of change orders, bill ahead to cover the overhead of large offices and marketing departments, and jeopardize projects with constant management turnover. What makes Brightlighter Engineering different? We have big project experience, but we are a small firm. That gets you highly competent professionals who will manage your project as if it were their own investment at stake. Brightlighter has capacity to run large, complex projects while still managing budgets and timelines with fine detail – we look for simple adjustments in design and materials that have saved our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars without compromising quality. We are practical and prideful in our work, and we take proactive steps to avoid timeline disruptions. In a culture of playing the "change order game," Brightlighter forges a different path. Every proposal is researched and written by the engineer in charge, not a marketing team, meaning that we understand the scope from day one and we can offer a fully all-in proposal. Do you have a challenging site? Everyone loves a straightforward project, but we thrive in dealing with space constraints, nuanced city regulations, community stewardship, and creative solutions. We are darn good engineers, and we know how to harness that expertise into power in solving these otherwise potentially project-ending dilemmas. Brightlighter Engineers are designers at heart, and using that skill to solve problems is what gets us excited as engineers.