Jesse Krugel

Digital Assistant at Gretchen Whitmer for Governor - Detroit, MI, US

Jesse Krugel's Contact Details
Novi,Michigan,United States
Gretchen Whitmer for Governor
Jesse Krugel's Company Details
Gretchen Whitmer for Governor logo, Gretchen Whitmer for Governor contact details

Gretchen Whitmer for Governor

Detroit, MI, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Gretchen Whitmer is a proven fighter, can mobilize people to take on our big problems, and will challenge the status quo in Lansing to get things done for all Michiganders. As a mom, former legislator, and prosecutor, she'll fight for the things that matter to people and put them first.

Details about Gretchen Whitmer for Governor
Frequently Asked Questions about Jesse Krugel
Jesse Krugel currently works for Gretchen Whitmer for Governor.
Jesse Krugel's role at Gretchen Whitmer for Governor is Digital Assistant.
Jesse Krugel's email address is *** To view Jesse Krugel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jesse Krugel works in the Political Organization industry.
Jesse Krugel's colleagues at Gretchen Whitmer for Governor are Christopher Mills, Hannah Marsh, Cortni Hauck, Emily Eccleton, Julia Goldman, Holly Simon, Brieann Sauer and others.
Jesse Krugel's phone number is N/A
See more information about Jesse Krugel