At ImagineAir, we strive to provide a complete solution for the clean air we breathe. Through the sourcing of various technologies, we have concluded that UV-C recirculators provide the safest and most effective air sterilization products. We, at ImagineAir, are focused on bringing our products to healthcare, hotel/restaurant retail, and transportation industries. A complete solution for everyone. With ImagineAir systems, you can breathe easy.The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation has been used effectively for years in the sterilization of products, such as, titanium implants and contact lenses. ImagineAir recirculators use this technology to disinfect the air we breathe in any setting of our daily lives. With the use of the latest technology, brushless fans and our UV-C lamps emitting ultraviolet radiation at the wavelength 253.7nm, we effectively eliminate all microorganisms such as, bacteria and viruses from the air we breathe.