The Hub is a non-profit charitable organization that provides fun, interactive and educational programs and services to the families residing in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and their children, aged newborn to six years old, free of charge. The Hub services two locations within Fort McMurray, while The Hub on Wheels Program (HOW) travels to rural communities. In 2013, The Hub offered programming to almost 3997 individuals who required a safe and comfortable environment for their children to play. With programs ranging from Baby Sign Language, to Infant Massage, Yoga for Kids, Cooking Programs, Art Programs to Car Seat Inspections, Triple P Parenting, and Safe Visitation and Exchange, the Hub provides necessary resources to the families who visit our centres.The Hub strives to become a home away from home to parents, caregivers and children residing within our Municipality. The constant support from our community and numerous stakeholders have aided in our ability to meet the needs of our many Hub families. Thank you for your continued support.