Shop2Earn, Inc. is a progressive consumer driven, direct sales company that is focused on E-commerce solutions. Our mission is to help people become healthier and wealthier and make a difference. ShopToEarn is our portal comprised of over 1000 patnerships with the biggest names in retail ranging from Target to Gap, Old Navy, Gift Tree and Sports Authority generating Millions in monthly shopping volume via our loyal shoppers. ShopToEarth is our portal comprised of over three hundred partnerships and growing of the finest Earth conscious companies, companies that produce products that are good for people, and good for the planet. Companies like Aquasana, Kiss My Face, Tom's of Maine, Avalon Organics, Alba, and Organic Fiji are several of our ever expanding green conscious partners. Because of our unique ability to partner with up and coming companies, our goal of becoming the largest shopping portal on the planet becomes more and more of a reality every day.