Located in Chicago's South Loop, Equilibrium Energy + Education was founded in 2007 to help accelerate the understanding and embracing of energy therapies, share research that quantifies and documents their specific effects, and offer affordable treatments and classes. Equilibrium now has more than 3,700 clients and students and offers an exclusive range of research-based energy therapies, including the Bengston Energy Healing Method, Holographic Memory Resolution®, Colorpuncture and Aura-Soma, Chakra Balancing, and Reiki – the fastest-growing complementary therapy in the U.S.Equilibrium also offers classes and training workshops with internationally renowned teachers and authors, and draws students from all over. It is the national training center for Holographic Memory Resolution®, a leading-edge energy psychology modality, and offers continuing education credits for Nurses taking Reiki training.Equilibrium also conducts independent research to quantify and compare the psychoneuroimmunological effects of different energy therapies using GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) camera technology. Equilibrium has been invited to make presentations on their research findings at the 2012 Society for Scientific Exploration Conference in Boulder in June, and at the Beech Tree Labs Conference in Rensselearville in September.