Platform Civic Strategies is a philanthropic and nonprofit consulting practice based in Kansas City, MO. Platform is a response to the growing acknowledgement among nonprofits and philanthropies that long-term and sustainable change will require a new menu of tools, including systems change strategic planning, policy advocacy, multi-stakeholder coalitions, community-driven strategy development, and community organizing. Platform Civic Strategies was launched by Jessica Hembree who spent ten years as the inaugural policy director at a regional health foundation. Jessica saw firsthand both the challenges and promises of systems change philanthropy, having overseen multiple ballot initiatives, the development of annual policy agenda, directly lobbied elected officials, and created new advocacy coalitions. Among the services offered by Platform are: Policy & Systems Change Scoping & Strategy Development; Strategic Planning; Policy Landscape Assessments; Startup & Organizational Development; Oversight of Ballot Initiatives; and Coalition-Building. Platform aims to bring some lightness, accessibility, and simplicity to the nonprofit consulting space. With a reliance on plain-language support, customization, and practical steps, Platform Civic Strategies aims to help nonprofits and foundations think critically about how to best produce long-term and sustainable change. To learn more, please visit