Senior Account Manager / Onsite Specialist / Cyber Security Awareness Trainer
Netsecuris offers Extended Detection and Incident Response (XDR) by delivering 24/7 cyber threat monitoring to Critical Infrastructure customers leveraging a combination of technologies such as Network Security Monitoring, Endpoint Protections, Cyber Threat Hunting protections applying advanced cyber threat analytics, threat intelligence, and human expertise in cyber incident investigation and response. Netsecuris performs incident validation to eliminate false positives and can offer remote incident response services, such as threat containment.For comprehensive coverage, Netsecuris' MDIR service provides multiple capabilities including 24/7 visibility with its Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC), correlation with multiple log sources and analytics with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), and continuous cybersecurity evaluation of your business' security controls. Continuous is paramount with an ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.Netsecuris is not proposing that you scrap your current cybersecurity technologies. On the contrary, Netsecuris can mold them into an improved cohesive cybersecurity solution to better protect your business from today's and tomorrow's advanced cyber threats performed by stealthy attackers.The stealthy cyber attackers don't sleep so neither does Netsecuris.Let Netsecuris be your trusted cybersecurity partner to protect your business. Netsecuris' MDIR service is effective, efficient, and scalable to meet your needs. Contact us today for a quote!