Behavioral Therapist at Life Strategies LLC - Chesterton, Indiana, US

JESSICA LUNA's Contact Details
(219) 359-3272
Life Strategies LLC
JESSICA LUNA's Company Details
Life Strategies LLC logo, Life Strategies LLC contact details

Life Strategies LLC

Chesterton, Indiana, US • 100 - 249 Employees
Mental Healthcare

Life Strategies specializes in the effective treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders and other Developmental Disorders such as Down Syndrome, Intellectual and Learning Disabilities. Qualified therapists provide behavioral therapy to treat a variety of issues ranging from child conduct concerns to improving developmental skills. In-home ABA programs are supervised by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs). Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) are trained specifically to decrease conflict and improve relationship. By utilizing behavioral science, therapists implement strategies to meet each individual and family goal. Building and sustaining healthy families is a core value of marriage and family therapy. Child, couple, and family therapy can be applied to a variety of therapy concerns.

autism couples therapy family therapy ABA Hospital/Clinic Psychiatric Hospitals Mental Health Care
Details about Life Strategies LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about JESSICA LUNA
JESSICA LUNA currently works for Life Strategies LLC.
JESSICA LUNA's role at Life Strategies LLC is Behavioral Therapist.
JESSICA LUNA's email address is *** To view JESSICA LUNA's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
JESSICA LUNA works in the Mental Healthcare industry.
JESSICA LUNA's colleagues at Life Strategies LLC are Tracy Garner, Sieglinde Gleim, Megan Heslin, Stacey Puplava, Brandon Haines, Rylee Reed, Sophie Crafton and others.
JESSICA LUNA's phone number is (219) 359-3272
See more information about JESSICA LUNA