Policy and Advocacy Intern at Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees - New York, New York, United States
Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees (MFA) is the nation's leading interfaith response to the Syrian refugee crisis.The Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees (MFA), a project of the Tides Center, is comprised of over 90 participating organizations. MFA is a coordinating body, a network, and a vehicle for harnessing the power of the faith-based and civil society collective to respond to the Syrian crisis.MFA enlists the moral authority and the mobilizing power of religion and civil society to address the ongoing suffering of people affected by the Syrian crisis. We address the three great fears that interfere with humane and sensible public policy: economic impact, terrorism, and Islamophobia.MOBILIZEMobilize the interfaith response the crisis.CREATECreate awareness of the facts, the needs, and the opportunities for positive action.ADVOCATEAdvocate for sensible and humane refugee policies.DELIVERDeliver humanitarian aid and raise funds for direct services on the ground.CULTIVATECultivate groundbreaking partnerships in the region.