Senior Sustainable Development Officer at Water Management Alliance Limited - Horsham, West Susse, UK
The Water Management Alliance (WMA) is a group of like-minded Internal Drainage Boards (known as IDBs) operating in the Anglian Region. We are building resource and capacity in the Anglian region in order to meet the challenges of climate change, sustainable water and flood risk management. The WMA closely with our IDB's, partners, communities and individuals to secure new funding streams and deliver innovative approaches at a local level. We welcome partnership approaches and aim to deliver value for money projects using local expertise and experience. The Water Management Alliance works for and on behalf of other Flood Risk Management Authorities as well as community groups, NGO's and landowners. We also deliver significant flood risk management benefits and enhanced environmental outcomes on the ground. Our members are all independent and democratically accountable statutory bodies who seek to protect some 548,000 hectares in East Anglia.