Scribe Syndicate is a small team of professional writers and editors that create unique content by researching your business and brand first. We take information you provide, online competitor information and industry trends, and can partner with your web designer or marketing partner to gain insight. We help you answer questions and then integrate your business culture into your content using your own language and style to turn them into: • cohesive documents • informational and educational downloadable material• eBooks • blog articles • video scripts• social media posts It's important to us to craft original wording that conveys your specific message. Over time, we can: • build your content library, so you have revolving content to repurpose. • create quality material to give you an online reputation as an expert in your field• provide a fresh set of eyes to edit existing content and consistencyScribe Syndicate formats your copy for easy consumption, provides one free stock image per project when relevant, sources all researched material, and delivers it in time to publish. All copy is run through an extensive editing process and checked for: • spelling• grammar• punctuation• sentence structure• word choice• length of copy• keywords• flow• readability