Jessica Piontek

Bookkeeper at Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC - Allen Park, Michigan, United States

Jessica Piontek's Contact Details
Detroit,Michigan,United States
Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC
Jessica Piontek's Company Details
Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC logo, Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC contact details

Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC

Allen Park, Michigan, United States • 11 - 50 Employees

Specializing in full service Prototype and Production Injection Mold Tooling, Production Chrome Plating, Rapid Prototyping and more.We have built a strong successful business by being the company to call to get the job done. We strengthen our business relationships with each program we bring in on time and on budget for our customers. Our mission is to be known as the company to call when looking to meet aggressive costs and timing objectives. Relationships are paramount and successful programs keep our customers coming back. In 2000, Excel RP, Inc. started as a SLA lab with (2) machines and the owner managing tooling opportunities direct through his industry contacts by outsourcing to key tool shops. It became apparent that there was a revitalized need and business opportunities with Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies if we could agree to the competitive costs, timing objectives, and just to get the jobs done.

Details about Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Jessica Piontek
Jessica Piontek currently works for Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC.
Jessica Piontek's role at Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC is Bookkeeper.
Jessica Piontek's email address is *** To view Jessica Piontek's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jessica Piontek works in the Automotive industry.
Jessica Piontek's colleagues at Excel RP Inc / Excel Global LLC are Craig Quiroga, Joshua Britton, Jeff Sammut and others.
Jessica Piontek's phone number is
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