Independent Consultant at TG Quality Assurance Consulting - Seattle, Washington, United States
I began TG Quality Assurance Consulting as limited contract SME to provide my expertise and unique skill set to companies in need of quality system creation, per-audits, improvement, and/or overhaul.For a company seeking outsourced establishment of an industry ready quality management system, I gather company goals, best practices, and resources/company structure to draft and secure a quality manual, procedures, and requirements.For a company seeking external insight and assistance in preparing for an upcoming audit, addressing audit results, or simply to improve their quality system, I review available documentation, perform a 'practice audit', and provide feedback and a plan to move a company towards the bast practices that will ensure compliance and customer satisfaction.I am also available to assess and re-structure, even completely over-haul, a quality system that is not meeting the needs of the company that depends on it.