Welcome to Night Out with "The Girls" (NOWTG)! We specialize in bringing early breast cancer detection and overall breast health education to everyone, everywhere.Our mission is to give people the tools, information and knowledge so they understand the INs and OUTs of detecting breast cancer early, and most importantly, how (and when) to take action.We do this by fostering an environment that focuses on comfort, connection and conversation…and we do not let being an "on-line" program stop us from creating a safe space to tackle a sometimes hard topic. In addition, we believe that learning about early breast cancer detection can be and should be… FUN! That's right, we said fun!Now we may refer to breasts as "the girls" but it doesn't matter what you call them, if you have them, have one, love them or hate them. As we like to say, if you have breast tissue… we're into you! Our programs are meant for everyone and whether the information is used for yourself, someone you care about, your caregiver or you are just simply curious about breast health, we've got you.