Ambassador Training Coordinator at Commission on Adult Basic Education - Syracuse, NY, US
Comprised of practitioners and administrators, COABE is more than 65,000 members strong and growing, COABE is the voice of adult basic education nationwide!The Coalition on Adult Basic Education is organized to advance national and international adult education and literacy opportunities. The purposes of COABE are:• To promote adult education and literacy programs, including Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Family Literacy, Skills Development, Workforce Development, and other state, federal, and private programs which assist undereducated and/or disadvantaged adults to function effectively• To provide leadership in advancing the education of adults in the lifelong learning process by unifying the profession, developing human resources, encouraging and using research, communicating with the members and the public, offering other member services, and otherwise advancing adult education, and literacy• To advocate the development and dissemination of publications, research, methods, and materials, resources, and programs in adult education and literacy• To conduct and/or sponsor professional development conferences and activities that provide a forum to provide staff development and advance adult education and literacyMission: To provide leadership, communication, professional development and advocacy for adult education and literacy practitioners in order to advance quality services for all adult learners.