Book My Vacay creates personalized vacations. Its experienced team of passionate travel enthusiasts & partners hand pick and personally inspect each luxury property ensuring that its guests are offered the very best.With years of rental management experience, our principals work tirelessly to satisfy the home owners and vacationers who rely on us. Our vacation rental homes are thoroughly inspected and cleaned by a professional cleaning service between bookings so renters enjoy the same superior, pristine cleanliness they'd expect from a 5-star hotel. In addition, they receive complimentary concierge and travel services during their stay.Our marketing system maximizes vacation rentals and the value of your rental property so we can:Maximize Your Profit-We'll use marketing strategies that reach the maximum number of rental audiences and will strive to rent your home to maximum capacity throughout the year.We'll inspect your rental after every guest visit to assess its condition and use the security deposit if a repair is necessary.Deliver a Quality Product-Each rental property will be managed by a professional property manager to ensure that it will remain in tip top shape for renters.We'll ensure that your home is fully furnished to provide a comfortable, luxurious home setting.We have hired and trained experienced professionals to become members of our sales team.Build Strong Relationships-We'll build strong relationships with homeowners and guests by ensuring open communication and mutual satisfaction. This way, homeowners will receive a healthy income and guests will enjoy a great experience.In addition, Book My Vacay assumes the following responsibilities:MarketingReservationsGuest ServicesProperty Condition MaintenanceAccounting Services