Independent Contractor - Marketing and Web Design Specialist at PESA - Huntsville, Alabama, US
PESA’s Secura software delivers real time, mission critical video securely across multi cloud environments. Architected for classified security and zero trust environments, our video, audio, and usb solutions are the “eyes and ears” for video teleconference centers (VTC), Command and Control centers (C2), Combat Information centers (CIC), C5ISR, Drone Operations centers, Watch centers, Field operations, Secure Interview Rooms and Launch centers. Pesa’s advanced multiple levels of security (MILS) solution combined with mutual authentication (both ends of communication), and advanced key management allows for strict policy enforcement across multiple domains. Our reliable high resolution, low latency video with unlimited scalability is allowing both government and commercial enterprises to deliver advanced cost effective solutions today and future proof for tomorrow. To learn more about PESA's solutions, visit