LaFresh has dedicated to developing omni-channel system for ordering and to providing integrated solutions for smart retail. To satisfy dynamic needs in information access application, we introduce both online and offline operation model to the market utilizing cloud computing technology.We provide the software system of POS, HQ Management, KDS, Kiosk, Tablet, multiple mobile payment, other application of Cloud services as well as IoT devices integration, and expand the business scale to AI field. In addition, our products are primarily sold to brand customers and distributors worldwide in a vast scope of industries including restaurant & food, retail, DS & HM, hotel, hospital, entertainment and tourism, etc.益欣資訊致力於研發全通路點餐系統,提供智慧零售的整合性解決方案,將線上線下營運模式導入市場,透過雲端運算技術,滿足客戶多元化的資訊應用需求。益欣資訊的產品包含POS系統、總部管理系統、自助點餐系統、多元支付、雲端服務與物聯網應用等,並拓展AI人工智慧領域,應用範圍擴及海內外餐飲業、民生零售、百貨量販、飯店、醫院、博奕遊戲、樂園與觀光工廠等。