Benson Medical Instruments designs and manufactures the most comprehensive integrated hearing conservation and spirometry solutions available today. Benson Medical audiometers and spirometers incorporate user-friendly functionality with robust data management software that allows data to be transferred, stored, secured, merged and reviewed for multiple subjects and multiple companies.Multiple Health/Medical Markets Served• Occupational Healtho On-site ( Mobile (• Clinical ( Small, Medium, Large and Extra-Large!Benson Medical is the sole provider to the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and Canadian Department of National Defense Hearing Conservation Programs. In the private sector, Benson Medical provides solutions to a full array of Fortune 500 companies, including:• Alcoa• Chrysler• Dow Chemical• 3M• Proctor & Gambleas well as being a pivotal supplier to regional and national healthcare provider networks offering Occupational Hearing Conservation and Spirometry Testing Programs.Benson Medical works with hundreds of small- and medium-sized companies throughout its national distributor network. Benson Medical continually innovates its products through a customer feedback system which automatically updates with all customer comments. Customer comments are then incorporated into ongoing product improvements resulting in real-life solutions to testing program challenges. Benson Medical manufacturers both the device and the software. This means that the customer isn't struggling with old technology that does not allow data transfer and manipulation, or with a device that does not communicate well (or at all) to a separately programmed software.Contact to learn more!