Our ServicesOffice cleaningIndustrial shop floor cleaningIn & around areas of condominiumFood centers and dinning cleaningEvent cleaningRestroom cleaning and sanitizingMopping floorWiping the glasses and mirrorsCarpet cleaningVacuum cleaningDust and wipe all office equipment & electrical appliancesRemoval of garbage from dustbinsNatoma is a highly-regarded professional cleaning company in Singapore. We deliver our customized cleaning service to condominiums, luxury houses, HDB apartments & flats, shopping centres, factories, commercial buildings and other facilities.Condominiums demands professional residential cleaning services, Natoma has a unique approach in cleaning & sanitizing such areas Entrance & Lift lobbiesFacility rooms & toiletCar parking areaBBQ Pit area, refuse station and bin chuteSwimming pool maintenanceGardening & landscapingModern cleaning equipment is being used to provide customer-centric cleaning service. Natoma deploys trained and experienced technicians to ensure excellent customer satisfied cleaning service on each and every assignment.We offer you the best cleaning and maintenance solution that offers increased value for money and efficiency.