People Reach Achieve and eXcel through Empowerment Strategies, or PRAXES, is a behavioral health software, consulting, and training company that serves nationwide. With 45 years of experience and over 100 clients across the nation, PRAXES has the knowledge and tools to improve the efficiency and structure of agencies serving children and their families. Give us a call today to learn more about our services.Apogee is our new clinical decision support system. It is a generator of skills, individualized interventions, and custom forms. It also is a treatment organizer that can make plans and notes that are easily exported to your electronic health record or as a standalone document. Our systems helped hundreds of clients experience a 33% reduction in stress and 40% improvement in child behavior.PRAXES offers innovative and fresh programs, including:Blending mental health and foster care systemsProviding services for youths with higher acuityInnovating new lines of business, including managed care, value-based reimbursementWe provide the knowledge and expertise to help your organization. We've built capitated managed care systems, transformed old residential facilities into new STRTPs and QRTPs, and we advocate and navigate through governmental systems to achieve better communication.PRAXES offers two divisions of training services. One is our intensive parent model, which is unique in that it focuses on the parent and their needs. A child cannot succeed without a healthy parent. We empower the parent to achieve wellness skills and transforming their relationship with their child to being partners rather than adversaries.We also provide training courses for residential, foster care, and outpatient programs. We are an approved vendor of continuing education units for the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Additionally, our live-streaming CEUs are approved by the California Department of Social Services.