新地环境是一家提供以城市排水、水环境治理及环境修复等相关技术服务为核心,集咨询、设计、工程实施、项目管理、运营监测为一体的综合性服务型企业。新地环境总部位于深圳,是深圳市第一批海绵城市建设技术联盟八家成员单位之一,为国内多个重点城市的海绵城市、深层排水隧道、水环境治理及土壤污染治理项目提供优质的解决方案。我们已在成都、重庆、东莞、惠州、昆明、上海等地设立了分支机构或办事处,还在美国芝加哥设有独立办公平台,与全球顶级公司联盟,云集了一批享誉国际的业界精英,具有不可比拟的资源优势和灵活性。As an integrated service-oriented company, Newground Environmental offers technical services and solutions including urban drainage, water environment management and environment treatment. We serve our clients with the whole industry chain service ranging from consulting, design, construction, project management to monitoring and operation. Our headquarters is based in Shenzhen and we are one of the eight members of the first sponge city construction technology alliance in Shenzhen. We bring premium solutions to domestic projects of sponge city construction, deep drainage tunnel construction, water environment management and soil remediation. Our branches and offices locate in Chengdu, Chongqing, Dongguan, Huizhou, Kunming, Shanghai etc., and we also have an independent office platform in Chicago. By aligning with the world-class companies and supporting by a group of technical elites, we have competitive advantages in technology resources and team flexibility.新地环境诚邀海内外精英人才加入我们的团队,简历请投递至hr@newground.cnWe sincerely welcome all environment industry elites to join our company. Please contact us via the following e-mail address: hr@newground.cn