The titles "Dietitian" and "Registered Dietitian" are protected by law. Only qualified health professionals, who are registered with the College of Dietitians of British Columbia, may use these titles and practice as Dietitians in BC.The College of Dietitians of British Columbia was established on November 2, 2002 under the Health Professions Act through enactment of the Dietitians Regulation. College bylaws were approved by the provincial government on December 11, 2003 and on April 1, 2004 the College became the legal authority for the regulation of Dietitians in British Columbia.Under the Health Professions Act, the mandate of the College of Dietitians of BC is to protect the BC public by regulating Dietitians to practice safely, ethically and competently. The College achieves this through fulfilling its Vision, Mission and Values Statements.