MedSense is an independent medical education agency specialising in the development of educational materials for the healthcare community. Through collaborative initiatives with the healthcare community and the pharmaceutical industry, we aim to develop excellent medical education programmes that will enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals, helping them to improve their patients' health. Internationally accredited medical education must meet criteria and codes from regional and local regulatory bodies, making interpreting them into practical applications an art form. We have dedicated specialists who have experience in delivering a wide variety of CME programmes, from small local meetings to multi-national events. We are a member of the Good CME Practice (gCMEp) group initiative that aims to work with CME accreditors to provide relevant, balanced and ethical programmes that are free from bias. In addition, senior staff from MedSense are members of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP). Contact us via our website to see how we can help you.