Senior Partner at Kunda Tax Consulting (Shanghai) Limited - Bellevue, Washington, United States
Kunda Tax Consulting (Shanghai) Limited is a tax consulting firm that specializes in providing transfer pricing and international tax services to Multinational Enterprises operating in China as well as Chinese Outbound Companies operating abroad. We have been doing business on-the-ground in China since 2006, actively supporting our clients in:• designing efficient transfer pricingsystems and policies to meet their commercial needs and to reduce the group's transfer pricing risk.• preparing and filling Contemporaneous Transfer Pricing Documentation (including Master File, Local File and Special Issue File) and Annual Related Party Transaction Reporting Forms (including CbC template)to meet Chinese requirements.• advising clients of their key transfer pricing exposures and suggesting future measures to minimize the risk effectively.• defending our clients in transfer pricingaudits.• offering hands-on training for day-to-day practitioners dealing with the companies' in-house transfer pricing risk management.• advising on international tax matters such as tax planning, thin capitalization taxation, profit repatriation planning, taxation on permanent establishment, tax treaty and beneficial ownership, custom valuation assistance, VAT advisory and compliance services, equity transfers, etc.