《NEJM医学前沿》由嘉会医学研究和教育集团与《新英格兰医学杂志》联手打造,通过引入临床医学及科研领域最新最权威的论文及中国学者的特色点评而更具针对性地服务于中国临床医学及科研界。《NEJM医学前沿》由《新英格兰医学杂志》授权在中国地区以数字媒体形式出版其发表的原文的中文译著,内容选自《新英格兰医学杂志》及《新英格兰医学杂志期刊荟萃》。NEJM医学前沿, an initiative of Jiahui Medical Research & Education Group (JMRE) in collaboration with NEJM Group, publishers of the New England Journal of Medicine, delivers the highest quality clinical and scientific content and locally meaningful commentary to the Chinese medical and clinical research community. NEJM医学前沿 is the authorized digital platform for providing Chinese readers with selected content translated into the Chinese language from the New England Journal of Medicine and NEJM Journal Watch.