Jiaying Hu

Assistant Investment Officer at Kaisa Group - N/A, N/A, N/A

Jiaying Hu's Contact Details
+86 755 2518 1818
Kaisa Group
Jiaying Hu's Company Details
Kaisa Group logo, Kaisa Group contact details

Kaisa Group

N/A, N/A, N/A • 983 Employees
Real Estate

佳兆業集團控股有限公司,成立于1999年,總部位于香港,2009年12月在香港聯交所成功上市,股票代碼:1638.HK。 佳兆業集團是中國大型綜合性投資集團,旗下擁有二十多家集團及專業公司,分公司超100家,員工數超15000人,總資產約2924億元人民幣。佳兆業在全球擁有佳兆業集團控股(1638.HK)、佳兆業美好(2168.HK)、佳兆業健康(0876.HK)、佳云科技(300242.SZ)、南太地產(NYSE.NTP)、雙林生物(000403.SZ)等6大上市平台。目前,佳兆業業務已覆蓋京津冀協同發展區域、粵港澳大灣區、長江經濟帶等主要經濟區域,進駐全國超50個重要城市。2019年,佳兆業地產板塊全口徑銷售額首次突破千億,再創歷史新高。 佳兆業緊抓消費的升級和經濟結構轉型發展契機,布局多元業務領域。目前逐漸打造成為涵蓋綜合開發、城市更新、健康醫療、旅游產業、文化體育、物業管理、航海運輸、商業運營、潮式餐飲、茶業經營、財富管理、酒店運營、科技產業、公寓辦公、深足俱樂部、國際教育、供應鏈管理等超20個產業和細分領域的大型企業航母。 Kaisa Group Holdings LTD, founded in 1999 at Hong Kong, listed in December 2009 at Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Stock code: 1638.HK. As a large Chinese comprehensive investment group, Kaisa Group has more than 20 enterprises and specialized cooperations, over 100 branch companies, over fifteen thousand employees, and total assets of over 292 billion CNY. Now, Kaisa has covered five main economic zones as Peral River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Bohai Rim, Chengdu-Chongqing, and Central Area, within over 50 core cities in China. Kaisa took full advantages in economic restructure and consumption upgrade, to facilitate diversified businesses. We currently have set foot in more than 20 industries such as wealth management, urbanization, culture and sport, business management, tourism, hotel and catering, sea transportation, health medical, science, apartment and office, and football club.

Real Estate Development Property Development Diversified Investment Tourism Property Management Sports And Leisure
Details about Kaisa Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Jiaying Hu
Jiaying Hu currently works for Kaisa Group.
Jiaying Hu's role at Kaisa Group is Assistant Investment Officer.
Jiaying Hu's email address is ***@kaisagroup.com. To view Jiaying Hu's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jiaying Hu works in the Real Estate industry.
Jiaying Hu's colleagues at Kaisa Group are Judy Kwok, Mengqi Lian, Yu Cheng, Rose Law, Hanbin Lin, Amy Siu, Gilbert Yan and others.
Jiaying Hu's phone number is +86 755 2518 1818
See more information about Jiaying Hu