Greetings from Cozzystar!! Save money when traveling. Make money when hosting. Share culture & local connection at the Cozzystar community. Hosting&Earning has never been simpler or more rewarding. Have you ever thought of a unique place to stay or want to have local food, drink & experience any culture & destination like a local or want to find some guide to experience your stay or want to rent out your own space or want to make extra money by using your skills? Cozzystar is here to provide you with the trusted hosting & booking platform, where everyone can set their own deal easily from a big city or from a remote area. It is a self-engineered easy to use technology and a trustworthy community. Anyone can be a part of this growing community within a couple of minutes. Just to remember it is as easy as signing up to your social account. Cozzystar operates an online marketplace for people to lease, rent short-term lodging including Hotel, Resorts, holiday cottages, apartments, Villa, homestays, Service apartment, treehouse, Boat, Private Boutique rooms or any other unique places, To participate in or facilitate any experiences & packages related to tourism. Now you can earn extra income, welcome the guests you want, and relax knowing we're here to support you every step of the way. Why Cozzystar? You as a Customer Save money, you get a better price & great value. Unique accommodation in any city. Quality accommodation in unexplored locations. Know your guest before arrival in detail through an updated profile. No more disconnect from city & culture. No more problems having Local food & beverages during a stay. The easy way to book rooms with local. You as a Host can have a trusted hosting & booking platform. Easy to use technology, 10 minutes you are ready to sell. Know your guest before arrival through a profile.