Active Challenge is a remarkable adventure program where young women develop healthy habits, lose weight, and build confidence.Located at beautiful Bear Creek Outdoor Centre near Ottawa Ontario, Active Challenge offers instruction in adventure-based programs such as canoeing, whitewater rafting and beginner rock climbing and rappelling. What an exciting way to get in shape and have a great time!Active Challenge is a weight loss program exclusively for young women. At Active Challenge you'll make lifelong friends with young women your own age, learn to love new adventurous activities and make permanent lifestyle changes at a program that will change your life.Because you'll be losing weight alongside young women just like you, you'll find the environment extremely safe and supportive. Active Challenge is designed so you'll lose weight and have the strategies and skills to keep the weight off for good. Active Challenge does not put you on a diet. We follow the Canada Food Guide to Healthy eating and exercise appropriate portion control. We help you develop healthy habits and give you strategies for achieving a healthy weight over the long term.