Elimination of unlawful housing discrimination* ranks as the agency's priority. However, in addition to Fair Housing counseling and investigations, seeking redress for victims where compelling evidence is gathered, we also serve in many other capacities to improve housing conditions for residents. Routinely, clients are referred to us by word-of-mouth and a wide variety of private and public agencies to assist in counseling to resolve many landlord-tenant disputes related to: relationships/communication with housing providers; illegal eviction actions (such as denial of essential services like heat, water, electricity); securing or maintaining housing; improving conditions of habitability (e.g. sanitation/plumbing, infestation, fallen ceilings, leaking roofs/windows); denial of reasonable accommodation (e.g. for creating ramp or parking accessible for tenant's use); setting illegal occupancy rules, etcetera. Examples of local government agencies from which clients are commonly referred are: County Courts and Departments of Health, Handicapped, Senior and Social Services, Police, as well as Town Building and Code Enforcement Departments.Long Island Housing Services also counsels homeowners that are in danger of foreclosure because of changed economic circumstances (e.g. loss of or diminished income related to hospitalization, illness, job loss, death or separation of families). Our unique fair housing advocacy program distinguishes from any other HUD-approved, certified Housing Counseling agency that serves Long Island. The agency has been in the forefront to investigate and challenge predatory lending and has served with the New Yorkers for Responsible Lending Steering Committee since its inception."Our mission is the elimination of unlawful housing discrimination and promotion of decent and affordable housing through advocacy and education."