Bene-Fit Group, formerly Cypress Associates, provides innovative solutions in the field of corporate wellness and benefits. Built for the new era of employee healthcare, we provide state-of-the-art health risk management programs that maximize savings, minimize claims and expand the benefits available to your employees. Our mission is to provide affordable benefit solutions to every working American. We are able to accomplish this through science, wellness and education. By incorporating data analytics into our products we're able to take a mathematical approach to healthcare. We can analyze claims data, create risk profiles for members and create custom-tailored medical plans that ensure that our clients are using their resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. We use wellness coaching through our certified personal health coaches to affect positive, permanent change. Employees are matched with a qualified personal coach who helps them set realistic, achievable goals to improve their health. By taking small steps instead of giant leaps, we're able to create healthy habits that stick with employees for the rest of their lives.