Partner | Executive Search | Technology | Digitalization & Globalization
立足于企业数字化和国际化趋势对核心人才的需求,德博杰团队于2019年底成立,目标提供企业数字化,国际化进程的关键人才获取服务,为企业和人才价值持续突破创造机遇。作为一家精品猎头公司,德博杰专注于数据密集生产和消费领域:金融科技,互联网,人工智能/机器人,软件和云服务等De Recruit is a boutique recruitment firm. We founded the team in the end of 2019, based on our insight on core talent hiring throughout the companies' digitalization and globalization. We are dedicated to provide the best recruitment solution for our clients' digitalization and globalization, to create opportunities for both enterprises and talents to breakthrough.De Recruit is specialized in critical hiring for data-intensive industries, including Fintech, Internet, AI, Software and Cloud Services etc.