Since the early 1600s, The port of Hargs Hamn has been constantly developing, which is still very much true. The existing facility will by 2025 be supplemented by another quay for large vessels as well as increased storage volume.Solid fuels such as woodchips, bark, pellets, fuel wood, baled waste are important products for the port of Hargs Hamn as well as grain, scrap metal and sawn timber.The port is at an expansive stage and continuously arranges new areas for quays, storage and new warehouses. The port of Hargs Hamn has very good availability to additional land, about 55 ha (136 acres). Plenty of room for further development. The port is very optimistic about the future. The fairway to the port will during the autumn 2020 be deepened, which means vessels double the size of today can call the port. Related to this, the port also plans to build a new 200 meter quay with supplementary infrastructure to meet future needs and our customers' expectations.