Trestles Construction Solutions, LLC is composed of a group of construction and construction technology experts that are committed to enabling the improvement of construction crew safety, quality, productivity and schedule reliability performance. Our Lean, Work Packaging and related construction software development knowledge is both broad and deep, founded by "real life" experience. Trestles offers a mobile field construction software application, Trestles Labor Management System (TLMS®), and construction Frontline Supervisor Development. TLMS is a short interval planning, scheduling and reporting tool that is easy to learn and use, and is very affordable with an exceptional user experience. Our Frontline Supervisor Development program involves two-day sessions that cover Planning & Scheduling, Labor Management, Continuous Improvement and Effective Leadership.With the shortages and ever-increasing demands placed on construction frontline supervisors, we believe providing them planning & scheduling education, leadership development, effective processes and tools to manage the work should be the primary objective of any construction firm that self-performs their work. Field supervisors are often talented craftsmen who have experienced "battle field promotions" without any formal training. Many of the project management tools are expensive, hard to learn and use and do not meet the needs of the field superior. Safety, quality, productivity, labor cost, retention of qualified crafts people and customer satisfaction is largely dependent on supporting your supervisors with the right "tools in their toolbox."