Since 1984, Serving the Nonprofits that Serve Our CommunitiesExecutive Service Corps of Houston is focused exclusively on advising nonprofits. For three decades ESCH has worked with hundreds of nonprofits, including schools, museums, cities, healthcare, social-service and other charitable organizations. Our consultants have extensive experience, both with nonprofit and for-profit entities, giving them a broad perspective with which to approach your issues. Every ESCH service is designed and proven to make nonprofit clients more robust, efficient and sustainable, that they can astutely serve their charitable donors and provide increasingly valuable, mission-driven services to their communities, state and nation.Nonprofit should never mean nonprofessional.Since its founding in 1984, ESCH leaders, staff members and volunteers have contributed to the growth and strengthening of hundreds of nonprofits. For these organizations, ESCH professionals have provided comprehensive assessments, strategic planning, hands-on instruction, leadership coaching, knowledgeable consultation, and a diverse spectrum of other complementary, supportive assistance. Serving the largest and the newest nonprofit organizations Today, ESCH's satisfied clients include some of the region's largest and longest-established organizations as well as nonprofits in their earliest stages of their lives.