Director of Marketing and Communications at Global Teen Challenge, Inc. - Columbus, GA, US
HOPE WITHIN REACH of Every Addict Global Teen Challenge has one of the largest networks on earth addressing the drug and alcohol addiction epidemic. We are a Christian, faith-based network helping addicts (both teens and adults) overcome their addictions and become healthy, functioning members of society. Today, our global network includes more than 1,400 affiliates, providing long-term addiction care for 20,000+ men, women, boys, and girls in 129 nations. In addition to our long-term treatment, GTC affiliates reach hundreds-of-thousands of hurting individuals by providing a variety of programs/services that address their local community's needs. These programs include prevention education and outreach efforts, after-school care, family counseling, day-programs, support groups, job training, re-entry counseling, and aftercare alumni support. Global Teen Challenge, Inc. serves as the "hub" for our affiliates worldwide, providing support tools, and resources to help these global centers expand to reach more people struggling with life-controlling addictions. 270 million people worldwide struggle with drugs or alcohol… Over 3.6 million die from their addiction each year.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Over 10,000 die every day.420 die every hour.7 die every minute.