Theatre / dance / performance reviewer at *INK - Dunedin's Weekly Entertainment Guide - , ,
*INK is a free information guide and is the absolute bible for what is happening in Dunedin. *INK is not just a bar guide but covers everything happening - music, theatre, film, exhibitions, community events. *INK is distributed in over 100 places in central Dunedin including the University and Polytechnic, backpackers, galleries, cafes, bars, etc. ---------------------*INK has a loyal following among active and outgoing people in Dunedin. Our audience includes tertiary students, tourists, musicians, artists, and anyone who wants to go out on the town. *INK targets an audience who do not necessarily read the local newspaper and other more traditional media. ---------------------Our Ad rates range from $50-$200. One off events or promotions usually take advantage of the larger advertisements while those wanting to boost profile over a longer time period utilise a regular lower cost advertisement.--------------------- *INK is printed professionally guaranteeing a quality reproduction.