Jing Zhang

Staff Accountant at Saturna Group Chartered Accountants LLP - , BC, CA

Jing Zhang's Contact Details
Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
Saturna Group Chartered Accountants LLP
Jing Zhang's Company Details
Saturna Group Chartered Accountants LLP logo, Saturna Group Chartered Accountants LLP contact details

Saturna Group Chartered Accountants LLP

, BC, CA • 5 - 9 Employees

Saturna Group was founded in November 2008 by its two partners, Lonny Wong and Henry Chow. We are a boutique accounting firm located in downtown Vancouver, Canada and specialize in serving public companies and companies looking to go public, in Canada and the United States. Combined, our two founding partners have nearly 40 years of public practice experience that ranges from small and mid-sized independent firms to a Big 4 firm. Our vision was to create an accounting firm that not only focused on quality and timeliness, but also believed in value-added services and open communication, which builds stronger relationships with our clients. We built Saturna Group based on the expertise with practices and standards gained from our previous experience in Big 4 and mid-size firms to ensure the highest quality of work and professionalism, while maintaining our competitive small firm pricing by minimizing the frills and overhead costs that many firms incur and pass on to their clients. For our clients, it's the best of both worlds.We specialize in providing expertise to public companies and companies looking to to go public in both Canada and the United States. We are a registered firm with both the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) in Canada and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in the United States. We provide a range of services including: audit and assurance, accounting (IFRS and US GAAP), financial reporting, consulting for complex accounting transactions including mergers and acquisitions, and personal and corporate taxation.

Details about Saturna Group Chartered Accountants LLP
Frequently Asked Questions about Jing Zhang
Jing Zhang currently works for Saturna Group Chartered Professional Accountants LLP.
Jing Zhang's role at Saturna Group Chartered Professional Accountants LLP is Staff Accountant.
Jing Zhang's email address is ***@saturnagroup.com. To view Jing Zhang's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jing Zhang works in the Accounting industry.
Jing Zhang's colleagues at Saturna Group Chartered Accountants LLP are Chaterine Rusiana, Lester Chan, Lonny Wong, Henry Chow, Tommy Z., Robyn Embury and others.
Jing Zhang's phone number is 604-630-5088
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