Jingda Wu

Digital Marketing Specialist at CitySpade Inc. - New York, NY, US

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Public Relations Specialist


James Wu

Fianncial Operations Analyst

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Kapi Luo

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Contact Kapi Luo

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CitySpade Inc.
Jingda Wu's Company Details
CitySpade Inc. logo, CitySpade Inc. contact details

CitySpade Inc.

New York, NY, US • 100 - 249 Employees
Real Estate

CitySpade Inc. was founded in New York by three New York University alumni in 2014 and consists of a group of young and passionate U.S. licensed lawyers, certified public accountants and certified real estate agents (over 200 people). We have offices in New York, Shanghai, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, California, Texas and Miami. Our business will be expanding to Australia by the end of 2018. In 2017 alone, CitySpade served more than 4,000 customers and had a gross revenue of $35 million for the year. In addition, in order to better create a comprehensive and comfortable life for Chinese living in U.S., CitySpade also carried out CarSpade (new car and used car trading), LawSpade (immigration law business), CitySpade Management (property management) and other related operating companies. We have independently launched CitySpade App, WeChat, Weibo, facebook, instagram and other social software, where customers can directly view the property on the social software, understand the property information, and easily complete the rental and buying and selling activities remotely.For more information, please visit our company site: www.cityspade.com

Marketplace Enterprise Software Human Resources Real Estate Real Estate Agents and Managers HR
Details about CitySpade Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Jingda Wu
Jingda Wu currently works for CitySpade Inc.
Jingda Wu's role at CitySpade Inc is Digital Marketing Specialist.
Jingda Wu's email address is ***@cityspade.com. To view Jingda Wu's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jingda Wu works in the Real Estate industry.
Jingda Wu's colleagues at CitySpade Inc. are Xiaoyu Wang, Mary Zheng, JIAXIN LI, Linbo Wang, James Wu, Ching-Yao H., Kapi Luo and others.
Jingda Wu's phone number is 646-552-4238
See more information about Jingda Wu