News | The Independent Business Blogging Community provides training, branding and a web platform to all professionals who seek to publish their knowledge, experience and opinion on business issues. On blog level we consolidate over 800 web sources to feature the daily top trending articles in each of our business related categories. ..:: MBN Mission::..MBN disrupts the web advertising model and aims to create a sustainable management model that can maintain financial and editorial independence and reach unlimited, geography independent, multilingual professional network..:: MBN Goals ::..1. We shall do our best to attract young professionals to our mission and give them a tribune to speak their own mind openly and freely. 2. We shall bootstrap as long as possible to avoid any corporate or political interference in our publications. 3. We shall support any social cause or corporate product that we believe in and avoid anything that interferes with our principles. 4. We shall do our best to respond to each inquiry in less than 48 hours and maintain flawless communication with anyone who would like to get in contact with us.